Tag: Patreon
Call for Reviewers
Annals of African Surgery invites applications for periodical reviewers. The AAS is the African continents premier surgical journal. Apply here.
It all begins before birth
One of the most interesting roles paediatric surgeons have is participating in antenatal counselling. In mid- to high-income environments, pregnant ladies have dedicated ultrasound to look for congenital anomalies during development.
When found e.g. giant omphalocoele in the pictures above, the surgeon works with obstetricians and foetal medicine specialists to help parents understand the risks, and prepare them for what’s to come. Despite this anomaly, we want to make sure the baby has the best possible welcome into the world.
Few countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have pre-natal screening programmes for congenital anomaly surveillance. Whilst infrastructure gaps cannot be filled solely by surgical network, we can start to address knowledge gaps and create expectations.
Call for abstracts
MRC DTP and CASE: Now Accepting Applications
This programme is jointly launched by London School of Tropical Medicine and Lancaster University and offers fully-funded PhD studentships
CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: Wednesday 9th February 2022 (12:00 noon UK time)
Shortlisting complete by: End Feb/early March 2022
Interviews by: Late March/early April 2022
Self funded
Self-funded PhD projects are always available within our research groups and divisions. For more information on applying for research degrees click here(opens in a new tab).