
The PSIONjournal mission is to create a peer-reviewed, high-quality resource on topics in children’s surgery. Like Wikipedia and Radiopaedia before us, our ambition is to deliver this resource free to both parents and professionals. We are keenly focused on bridging the divide in health access, provison and outcomes in Sub Saharan Africa.


PSIONjournal is an international collaborative led by an African team of paediatric surgeons and anaesthetists.

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As a member of PSIONjournal, you can contribute cases, vignettes and reviews to this library. Using the principle of bite-sized learning, each contributor takes ownership of a micro-topic. The contributor then undertakes to keep their colleagues up to date on this topic. We are particularly interested in images and video content.


Each section is led by a pair of surgeon editors whose role is to provide peer review, in keeping with traditional academic journals. We are committed to narrowing the global health North/South divide. Therefore, each section is deliberately and dually led by a team drawn from across this divide.


Our senior colleagues use the depth and breath of their experience to provide oversight over on content inclusion and quality. Each curator works with section editors to maintain rolling review of each section, ensuring the journal remains up to date.

Are you interested in joining this collaboration? Contributors, register your topic interest here.


PSIONjournal is a registered non-profit. If you value our vision and would like to share in what we accomplish, your financial contribution is welcome. Your contribution is used to:

  • sponsor access and membership for a paediatric surgeon or physician working in Sub Saharan
  • develop the educational network for professionals developing children’s surgery in situ
  • video editing with expert contributions
  • continuous website improvement

Supporters can contribute on our JustGiving page.

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, PSIONjournal by Open Knowledge Platforms is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.